vintage barbie doll vintage barbie doll

vintage barbie doll

vintage barbie doll
vintage barbie doll

vintage barbie doll
vintage barbie doll

vintage barbie doll
vintage barbie doll

Constructed of heavy vinyl plastic, it has a massive trunk and holes in the bottom of the feet, and copper pipes in the legs, so that it can be mounted on its pedestal. The bottom of his right foot, also known as "Japan" on it.

Was made ​​due to the nature of the plastic out, it is usually gone in a very white color. His original outfit consists of a black / white zebra striped swimsuit, open toed black high heels (with holes in it!), White sunglasses (blue lenses) and gold earring. Ponytail Barbie is exactly the same as the No. 1 Barbie, except that there are no holes in the feet and no copper pipe. His new arm stand to hold it in position. She wears the same brand as above.