barbie doll house box barbie doll house box

barbie doll house box

barbie doll house box
barbie doll house box

barbie doll house box
barbie doll house box

barbie doll house box
barbie doll house box

Doll houses are often seen as toys for children, but the houses construction and installation of miniature dolls is very complex and a hobby for adults. Most fans take their job very seriously, and for some it's a great idea to replicate a life long care and miniaturization furniture, wallpaper, carpets, dishes, color and spans - pass hours and hours to get every detail just right. Some fans have the opportunity, their passion to share with a daughter or granddaughter, but for most it is enjoying a unique obsession alone.

The general purpose of building miniature dollhouses is that they provide a perfect image of domestic life must be miniaturized, and as faithful in every detail as possible. All aspects of the house just in miniature, reproduced in miniature dolls and even used in the life of every detail is of life in this little world, made ​​charming and beautifully designed.